EIS 2022: Good governance versus Corruption – Interdisciplinary Discussions
Das Europäische Institut für Sozioökonomie veranstaltete am 15. und 16. September 2022 im Seminaris-Hotel in Bad Honnef eine interdisziplinäre Konferenz zu Good governance versus Corruption. Folgende Referenten informierten in ihrem Vortrag zu den nachfolgenden Forschungsthemen:
Fabien Ohl & Chien-Chun Tzeng | Examining the fabrics of match-fixing: The underground sport betting system |
Michael Koch | Network corruption: The mesh of power in sport in Rhineland-Palatinate |
Patrick Braeunig | Accepted corruption: Appropriate levels of national artistic sports |
Werner Pitsch | (Un-)explained corruption: How theories to explain doping in elite sport fail in recreational sport |
Lutz Thieme | Designed neither for work nor for advocacy: „Permanent organization“ as an ideal type to understand the dynamics of sport organizations |